Application Form
for joining a Wycliffe short-term ministry trip
This Application comes with the following qualifications:
A - Cancellation:
If because of international travel restrictions, the trip you are applying for must be cancelled, then the $500 (otherwise non-refundable) deposit will be returned.
B – Preparation:
Since the trip you are applying for is a Ministry trip, each team member must be prepared for the roles they will play. Updates and resources will be sent to you in the lead up to the trip to enable you to prepare appropriately.
1. Trip Specifics
Please specify which trip you are applying for:
Kurukh Scripture Distribution trip to Bangladesh, 27 September - 17 October 2024
Good News Chibemba trip to Zambia, 7-25 March 2025
2. Personal Details
First name
Last name
Postal address
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
Email address
Home phone
3. Your Church
Name of the church you belong to:
Church leader's name
Church leader's e-mail address
Church leader's mobile
Does your pastor endorse you joining this Wycliffe ministry trip?
4. Education
What studies have you completed?
5. Understanding the Ministry trip and preparations
Wycliffe ministry trips are not tourist trips. The team goes intentionally to serve, share God's word in the heart language, and equip people to worship God in spirit and truth. To be able to serve well on the trip, participants need to understand the context in which they are going.
Upon acceptance, applicants will be shown a series of short pre-readings they are expected to work through in preparation for the trip.
I understand that I need to prepare for service on a Wycliffe ministry trip, and will do my best to prepare well ahead of time, by studying the preparation materials on the Wycliffe Australia website.
It is recommended, though not strictly required, for participants to have had some Bible storytelling training prior to the trip. This can be done in one of the following ways. Please tick one of the following and we will be in touch:
I would like to attend a one-day Bible Storytelling workshop in Auckland
I would like to take Wycliffe Australia’s Story the Bible Online Course* in my own time across several weeks.
I have already had Bible storytelling training
I do not wish to take part in Bible storytelling training before the trip
*Story the Bible Online Course
Click Here for Wycliffe Australia's Bible Course
6. About You
In 100-150 words introduce yourself
In 100-150 words tell us why would like to join this trip
7. Travel Insurance
Each participant on a Wycliffe ministry trip is required to have international travel insurance at their own expense (included in your estimated costs). We will be in contact with you to arrange your travel insurance, so even if you wish to arrange your own, please wait to hear from us with the requirements.
Please tick which option you intend to take:
I wish to arrange my own insurance and will wait to hear from you with the requirements before I do so
I would like to make arrangements through Wycliffe NZ’s travel insurance broker (at my own expense)
8. Medical Conditions
Do you have any medical conditions that may impact on your health during your time overseas?
If YES, please explain:
9. Medications
Do you take medications regularly?
If yes, please list:
Do you have any allergies that you know of?
If YES, please explain:
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
If YES, please explain:
10. Emergency Details
In case of an emergency in Bangladesh, who should be contacted?
Please give full details.
Emergency Contact Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
E-mail address
Mobile/Home number
What is the relationship of this person to you?
11. Other Vaccinations
Apart from coronavirus, what vaccinations have you had in the last five years?
Please list the vaccination and the year you received it.
12. Documents
#1 – Photo:
Please send as an attached file in JPEG format a head and shoulders photo of yourself in good focus.
#2 – Passport:
Please scan the front page of your passport and send as an attached file.
Please check the highlighted fields